Sunday 14 October 2012

Frame Assembly

Assembly of the frame is now compete
Last night I managed to complete the frame assembly of X Y and Z axis.   This was good because now I could see what the whole assembly would look like. I'd put the some of the nuts on the wrong way round on the screw bars.  I needed to twiddle them off, turn them around and twiddle them (satisfying feeling... twiddling) back on again before hand tightening.  The distance between the plastic parts on the triangle Z axis is 290 mm and 273 mm between the horizontal X and Y axis.  The kit included a handy little measuring template with these various distances marked on it.  I am now at step five the frame assembly. This is the part where you slide in the smooth rods on Y axis (heated bed) and Z axiz (up and down motors).  Now for the important alignment part. The Z axis smooth rods have to perfectly vertical and squared to the X and Y axis.  To do this I shall opt for lengths of cotton and blue tack acting as plumb weights advised by author of the Mendel build instructions.

Down to the kitchen work surface which is meant to be flat as hell.  Cotton, Blu Tac and a spirit level used here. I'm happy as I can be that I have now got everything square and level.  Not shown in the picture is the smooth Z rods.  The Z rods will be where the two lengths of cotton are.

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